Blev 82 år.
Född: | 1864-05-25 Qvallåkra, Hällaryd, Blekinge Län 1) |
Bosatt: | 1881-06-01 Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Tyskland, |
Bosatt: | 1884-08-11 Qvallåkra, Hällaryd, Blekinge Län 2) |
Bosatt: | 1884-12-27 Stockholm, Stockholms Län 3) |
Emigrerade: | 1886 USA |
Bosatt: | 1910 Chisago Lake, Chisago, Minnesota, USA 4) |
Bosatt: | 1930 Chisago Lake, Chisago, Minnesota, USA 5) |
Bosatt: | 1940 Chisago Lake, Chisago, Minnesota, USA 6) |
Död: | 1947-04-01 Lindstrom, Chisago Lake Township, Chisago County, Minnesota, USA 7) |
Vigsel: | 1896-12-01 Dakota, USA |
Email från Jerry Wolfe, USA Thank you, Paul. Your website is a goldmine! Since it is all in Swedish, do you live in Sweden? Also, you said that your wife and my wife have Peter Andersson Kiellberg as a common ancestor. Which of Peter's children is your wife's line? Since you didn't give her name I'm at a loss.
My wife is the great granddaughter of Christina Emilia Lof, whose name was spelled Kristine Amelia Lof in America. She was married to Julius Hawkinson who was born 25 May 1864 in Sweden (I don't know where) and died 1 April 1947 in Chisago Lake Township, Chisago County, Minnesota, USA of acute gangreene of the feet. He was buried on 4 April 1947 in Elim Cemetery, Scandia, Chisago, Minnesota, USA. We have not been able to find out anything more about him but we continue to look.
Julius and Kristine had 9 children and their 3rd child was Isabelle Cecilla Hawkinson (b. 6 Oct 1900 d. 7 Aug 1994). She married Perry Oliver Hughes (b. 10 Feb 1894, d. 18 Aug 1978) and they had 10 children. Their 3rd child was Shirley Josephine Hughes (b. 5 Aug 1925, d.28 Apr 1987). She married Thomas Oscar Swanner (b. 23 Oct 1922, d. 2 Jun 2000) and they had 4 children. Their oldest is Peggy Ann Swanner (b. 5 Aug 1946) who married me, Gerald Paul Wolfe (b. 2 Feb 1943) and we have 3 children (2 girls, 1 boy) who are all married and have blessed us with 9 grandchildren.
Thank you again.
Jerry Wolfe email: jerry.wolfe@mchsi.com
1) | Födelse- och dopbok Hällaryd, Hällaryd CI:8 1861-1869 sida 42 |
| Hällaryd CI:8 1861-1869 sida 42 1864 no: 4 Julle Bostad Grallåkra Född Maj 25 Döpt Maj 28 Fader Håkan Sensson Åpple Moder Siisa Invarsdr 31 år |
| |
2) | Hällaryd husförhörsbok, Hällaryd A I/17 1884-1889 sida 296 |
| Hällaryd AI:17 1884-1889 sida 296 Qvallaryd no: 1 Julle Håkansson kom 84 11/8 från Mecklenburg flyttar 84 27/12 till Stockholm |
| |
3) | Hällaryd in- och utflyttningsbok, Hällaryd B/4 B/4 1872-1894 Bild 55 |
| Hällaryd B/4 B/4 1872-1894 Bild 55 1884 no: 90 27/12 folio 296 Julius Håkansson Fån Qvallåkra Till Stockholm
Hällaryd A I/17 1884-1889 sida 296 Qvallaryd no: 1 Julle Håkansson kom 84 11/8 från Meclenburg flyttar 84 27/12 till Stockholm |
| |
4) | Census 1910 |
| ame Julius Hawkinson Sex Male Age 45 Event Date 1910 Event Place Chisago Lake, Chisago, Minnesota, United States Birth Year (Estimated) 1865 Birthplace Sweden Marital Status Married Race White Relationship to Head of Household Head Father's Birthplace Sweden Mother's Birthplace Sweden Julius Hawkinson's Spouses and Children Christina Hawkinson Wife F 36 Sweden Bethvin Hawkinson Son M 11 Minnesota Isabel Hawkinson Daughter F 9 Minnesota Clearance Hawkinson Son M 7 Minnesota Ellen Hawkinson Daughter F 3 Minnesota Esther Hawkinson Daughter F 0 Minnesota
Namn Kön Ålder Födelseår Födelseort Civilstånd Etniskt Relationship to Head of Household Faderns födelseort Moderns födelseort Julius Hawkinson Male 45 1865 Sweden Married White Head Sweden Sweden Christina Hawkinson Female 36 1874 Sweden Married White Wife Sweden Sweden Bethvin Hawkinson Male 11 1899 Minnesota Single White Son Sweden Sweden Isabel Hawkinson Female 9 1901 Minnesota Single White Daughter Sweden Sweden Clearance Hawkinson Male 7 1903 Minnesota Single White Son Sweden Sweden Ellen Hawkinson Female 3 1907 Minnesota Single White Daughter Sweden Sweden Esther Hawkinson Female 0 1910 Minnesota Single White Daughter Sweden Sweden |
| |
5) | Census 1930 |
| Name: Julius Hawkinson Gender: Male Birth Year: abt 1865 Birthplace: Sweden Race: White Home in 1930: Chisago Lake, Chisago, Minnesota View Map Marital Status: Married Immigration Year: 1886 Relation to Head of House: Head Spouse's Name: Christine A Hawkinson Father's Birthplace: Sweden Mother's Birthplace: Sweden Household Members: Name Age Julius Hawkinson 65 Christine A Hawkinson 56 Bernard L Hawkinson 16 Pearl E Hawkinson 14 Arnold J Hawkinson 13 |
| |
6) | Census 1940 |
| Name: Julius Hawkinson Respondent: Yes Age: 75 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1865 Gender: Male Race: White Birthplace: Sweden Marital Status: Married Relation to Head of House: Head Home in 1940: Chisago Lake, Chisago, Minnesota Farm: Yes Inferred Residence in 1935: Chisago Lake, Chisago, Minnesota Residence in 1935: Same House Citizenship: Naturalized Sheet Number: 3A Number of Household in Order of Visitation: 50 Household Members: Name Age Julius Hawkinson 75 Christina Hawkinson 66 Barbara W Hawkinson 26 Pearl Ethel Hawkinson 24 Arnold J Hawkinson 22 |
| |
7) | Email från Jerry Wolfe, USA |
| Thank you, Paul. Your website is a goldmine! Since it is all in Swedish, do you live in Sweden? Also, you said that your wife and my wife have Peter Andersson Kiellberg as a common ancestor. Which of Peter's children is your wife's line? Since you didn't give her name I'm at a loss.
My wife is the great granddaughter of Christina Emilia Lof, whose name was spelled Kristine Amelia Lof in America. She was married to Julius Hawkinson who was born 25 May 1864 in Sweden (I don't know where) and died 1 April 1947 in Chisago Lake Township, Chisago County, Minnesota, USA of acute gangreene of the feet. He was buried on 4 April 1947 in Elim Cemetery, Scandia, Chisago, Minnesota, USA. We have not been able to find out anything more about him but we continue to look.
Julius and Kristine had 9 children and their 3rd child was Isabelle Cecilla Hawkinson (b. 6 Oct 1900 d. 7 Aug 1994). She married Perry Oliver Hughes (b. 10 Feb 1894, d. 18 Aug 1978) and they had 10 children. Their 3rd child was Shirley Josephine Hughes (b. 5 Aug 1925, d.28 Apr 1987). She married Thomas Oscar Swanner (b. 23 Oct 1922, d. 2 Jun 2000) and they had 4 children. Their oldest is Peggy Ann Swanner (b. 5 Aug 1946) who married me, Gerald Paul Wolfe (b. 2 Feb 1943) and we have 3 children (2 girls, 1 boy) who are all married and have blessed us with 9 grandchildren. One of my wife's aunts has researched the family more than I have but, since she lives quite a distance and doesn't have a computer we haven't been able to get together to share information. She may well have more information on Julius Hawkinson than I do but in previous conversations with other family members it doesn't sound like she knows where in Sweden he was from either.
Thank you again.
Jerry Wolfe email: jerry.wolfe@mchsi.com |