Torpare, farmer in Lindstrom Chisago County. Blev 87 år.
Född: | 1843-03-01 Holmeshult, Fröderyd,Jönköpings Län 1) |
Emigrerade: | 1882 Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, USA 2) |
Emigrerade: | 1887-03-30 Norra Amerika 3) |
Död: | 1930-03-16 Chisago, Lindström, Minnesota, USA 2) |
The following is the obituary of Carl Wilhelm Lof/Leaf, who died 16 March 1930 in Lindstrom, Chisago Co., MN C.W. Lof Burial Rites Held Today Lindstrom Farmer, 87 Years Old, Stricken In Sleep Early Sunday. Funeral services were conducted today for C. W. Lof, farmer residing five miles south of Lindstrom who passed away in his sleep nine oclock Sunday morning. He was 87 years and 16 days old. Mr. Lof had not been seriously ill but had been feeling dull since December. He had gone to bed Saturday evening without any apparent signs of physical change and on Sunday morning he didnnot respond to the call of members of the household who endeavored to wake him. A physician was summoned immediately and it was found that a stroke has swept over him. He passed away in his sleep. C. W. Lof was born in Kronobergs Lan, Sweden on March 1, 1843. In the year 1882 he came to America and went directly to Minneapolis where he lived for four or five years. From there he moved to a farm south of Lindstrom which he purchased and operated for 38 years. He had been a member of Scandia Lutheran church for 35 years. Left to mourn his passing are seven children, his wife having died 36 years ago. The children are: Mrs. Hulda Stark, of Minneapolis; Gust Lof, of Chicago, Mrs. Alice Egan and Mrs. Anna Landberg of Los Angeles, California; Mrs. John L. Lee of Salt Lake City Utah; and Mrs. Julius Hawkinson, who resides on the old farm south of Lindstrom. Burial took place in the Scandia cemetery and the funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Joel Olsenius at two oclock this afternoon. Pall bearers were Ben, Clarence, and Benny Hawkinson, Philip, Clifford, and Clarence Stark.
1) | Fröderyd födelse- och dopbok, C:4 sida 238 |
| Födelse- och dopbok Fröderyd C:4 1804-1853 sida 238: 1843 no: 9 Mars 1 Karl Vilhelm Föräldrar: Johannes Löf och h. Karin Håkansdotter under Holmehult Moder 37 år |
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2) | Rootsweb, http://boards.rootsweb.com/surnames.lof/3/mb.ashx |
| The following is the obituary of Carl Wilhelm Lof/Leaf, who died 16 March 1930 in Lindstrom, Chisago Co., MN C.W. Lof Burial Rites Held Today Lindstrom Farmer, 87 Years Old, Stricken In Sleep Early Sunday. Funeral services were conducted today for C. W. Lof, farmer residing five miles south of Lindstrom who passed away in his sleep nine oclock Sunday morning. He was 87 years and 16 days old. Mr. Lof had not been seriously ill but had been feeling dull since December. He had gone to bed Saturday evening without any apparent signs of physical change and on Sunday morning he didnnot respond to the call of members of the household who endeavored to wake him. A physician was summoned immediately and it was found that a stroke has swept over him. He passed away in hissleep. C. W. Lof was born in Kronobergs Lan, Sweden on March 1, 1843. In the year 1882 he came to America and went directly to Minneapolis where he lived for four or five years. From there he moved to a farm south of Lindstrom which he purchased and operated for 38 years. He had been a member of Scandia Lutheran church for 35 years.Left to mourn his passing are seven children, his wife having died 36 years ago. The children are: Mrs. Hulda Stark, of Minneapolis; Gust Lof, of Chicago, Mrs. Alice Egan and Mrs. Anna Landberg of Los Angeles, California; Mrs. John L. Lee of Salt Lake City Utah; and Mrs. Julius Hawkinson, who resides on the old farm south of Lindstrom. Burial took place in the Scandia cemetery and the funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Joel Olsenius at two oclock this afternoon. Pall bearers were Ben, Clarence, and Benny Hawkinson, Philip, Clifford, and Clarence Stark. |
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3) | Emiweb |
| Förnamn: Efternamn: Född: Född Förs: Utfl: Utfl Förs: Utfl Län: Dest: Carl Vilhelm Johannesson Löf 1843-03-01 Fröderyd 1887-03-30 Fröderyd Jönköping Nordamerika |
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4) | Fröderyd husförhörsbok, AI:20 1887-1896 sida 134 |
| Husförhörslängd Söraby AI:10 1861-1870 sida 212: Tjänstefolk pigor Norraby Söregård Pig. Emma Johansdr., född 1842 1/3 i Dädesjö, kom från Dädesjö 29/10 63, flyttar till Fröderyd 29/1 67, flyttintyg 1 Utfl u.d. C.W. Johannesson i Fröderyd .. nya del under Holmeshult
Husförhörsbok Fröderyd AI:20 1887-1896 sida 134: Holmeshult Torp Nyadal T. Karl Wilhelm Johannesson Löf, född 43 1/3 i Fröderyd, gift 67 (vistats i Amerika 4 år med hustrus begifvande utattesterad)(flyttar till N. Amerika 30/3 87) H. Emma Johansdr., född 42 1/3 i Dädesjö (flyttar till N. Amerika 10/2 88) d. Hulda Lovisa Carolina, född 67 14/11 i Fröderyd (flyttar till N. Amerika 30/3 87) s. Johannes Gustaf, född 69 8/1 i Fröderyd (flyttar till N. Amerika 10/2 88) d. Elisa Katrina, född 71 27/9 i Fröderyd (flyttar till N. Amerika 10/2 88) d. Christina Emilia, född 73 20/8 i Fröderyd (flyttar till N. Amerika 10/2 88) d. Anna Victoria, född 75 9/10 i do. (flyttar till N. Amerika 10/2 88) d. Mathilda Sofia, född 79 1/9 i do. (flyttar till N. Amerika 10/2 88) s. Johan Wilhelm, född 82 7/3 i do. (flyttar till N. Amerika 10/2 88)
Husförhörsbok Fröderyd AI:17 1872-1876 sida 111: Holmeshult Torp Nyadal T. Karl Wilhelm Johannesson Löf, född 43 1/3 i Fröderyd (betyg 24/4 82 till Amerika) H. Emma Johansdr., född 42 1/3 i Dädesjö d. Hulda Lovisa Karolina, född 67 14/11 i Fröderyd s. Johannes Gustaf, född 69 8/1 i Fröderyd d. Elisa Katrina, född 71 27/9 i Fröderyd d. Christina Emilia, född 73 20/8 i Fröderyd d. Anna Victoria, född 75 9/10 i do. d. Mathilda Sofia, född 79 1/9 i do. s. Johan Wilhelm, född 82 7/3 i do. |